Use "syntax|syntaxes" in a sentence

1. Syntax

2. Syntax Highlighting

3. Syntax error

4. Syntax Error near " %# "

5. Error in syntax

6. Isolate syntax results.

7. x0z = syntax errors

8. Syntax Error: Unknown command '%# '

9. Using Old Reflection Syntax

10. Syntax: $.Ajax (url, [options])

11. Syntax Error: Unknown option '%# '

12. Syntax -- The question is, " How is syntax different from grammar? " They're exactly the same.


14. Syntax Error: Not enough arguments

15. Syntax Continue Flow Diagram Example

16. Syntax Error: Unknown command group '%# '

17. KWrite XML Syntax highlighting support

18. Syntax Error: Too many arguments

19. Syntax: Coalesce(value1,value2,value3,) The above syntax is equivalent to the following IF-THEN-ELSE statement

20. Let's investigate the syntax of Chinese.

21. The Asp.NET page framework supports the following directives: For more information about directive syntax, visit Text Template Directive Syntax.

22. Dynamic Personalization Using Cordial’s Template Syntax

23. Introduction to Syntax, Morphology and Phonology.

24. Learn about the syntax of Bash commands

25. A minor question of Anglo-Saxon syntax.

26. Admonitions are created using the following syntax:

27. For an explanation of the relationship between reference concrete syntax and abstract syntax, see International Standard ISO 8879:1986.

28. Syntax : vectorname.Begin() Parameters : No parameters are passed

29. The VBScript parser builds a syntax tree.

30. The parser does build a syntax tree.

31. The tail Command takes the following Syntax:

32. The syntax of bin () method is: bin …

33. The syntax is as in embedded SQL.

34. Visual J# programs use Java's language-syntax.

35. Syntax $(selector, context).Autocomplete ("action", params);;

36. Anakoluthia, Valla relies on syntax and regular grammar

37. Here is the syntax of each link element:

38. They've provided insights into the origin of syntax.

39. The Ceiling.MATH function syntax has the following arguments

40. The present invention relates to a sentence summarization method using a dependency grammar syntax tree, which creates a new dependency grammar syntax tree by modifying a dependency grammar syntax tree of a sentence according to a given rule, and then summarizes the sentence using the new syntax tree.

41. The HTML parser does build a syntax tree.

42. Two of the DICOM JPEG 2000 transfer syntaxes are supported ("JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only)" and "JPEG 2000 Image Compression").

43. Message syntax and semantics is defined with Beep …

44. The Awk syntax is of the following form:

45. Currently, the parser does not build a syntax tree.

46. Most of the parsers build an abstract syntax tree.

47. Append() Syntax: list_name.Append(‘value’) It takes only one argument

48. Syntax: Ceil(x[, step[, offset]]) Return data type: numeric

49. Computation isn’t tied to numbers, acronyms, punctuation, or syntax

50. The following illustrates the syntax of the Between operator:

51. The configuration syntax is very close from tripwire/Aide

52. Syntax: Ceil(x[, step[, offset]]) Return data type: integer

53. nformation technology- Abstract Syntax Notation # ( # ): Specification of basic notation

54. Sentence summarization method using a dependency grammar syntax tree

55. It's got a content in addition to the syntax.

56. It's almost becoming the syntax of a new language.

57. They can check syntax and access object while debugging.

58. Syntax: Ceil(val); Argument Description; x: The number to change

59. Click Test expression to make sure your syntax is correct.

60. Google supports extended sitemap syntax for the following media types.

61. The explanation provided discomposure , stories, allusions, syntax and so on.

62. Bitstream syntax for graphics-mode compression in wireless hd 1.1

63. By contrasting simpler syntax with mainstream generative grammar, this paper points out that they are different in minimalism, grammatical architecture and the syntax-semantics interface.

64. Information Technology -Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) RFC-2527:

65. By using additional syntax rules more names can be extracted.

66. Dylan uses an ALGOL-like syntax designed by Michael Kahl.

67. <configuration> <system.serviceModel> <Behaviors> Syntax

68. "Appendix B: Netsh Command Syntax for the Netsh Firewall Context".

69. The syntax of Comments in various programming languages varies considerably

70. Currently, the Ada parsers do not build a syntax tree.

71. Grammar is organized along two main dimensions: morphology and syntax.

72. Chapter four analyses the disadvantages the lexical - syntax pedagogical model.

73. Code Highlighter - A code syntax highlighting component available for the.

74. For field symbols, the angle brackets are part of the syntax.

75. See the Collation page for a full description of Collation syntax.

76. Address(1,2) Address(1,2,4,FALSE) Address(1,2,,,"Sheet2") Syntax

77. syntax in all URLs that have adopted the AJAX crawling scheme.

78. Async/Await is a surprisingly easy syntax to work with promises

79. JSX (JavaScript XML) is an extension to the JavaScript language syntax.

80. Re-enter the search string using the correct regular expression syntax.